Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mongo Ukoy

The Ukoy recipe shown here is made of mongo bean.Usually in the Philippines some ukoy are made of squash, potato,banana heart , turnip and mongo sprout, but this time I use mango bean.


1 Cup of mongo bean
1 clove of garlic
1 clove of onion
2 chop tomato
1 cup ground chicken
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup corn starch
salt and pepper to taste
1 sachet ginisa mix
shrimp (optional)
cooking oil for frying
1 cup of water
Garlic,vinegar , salt and pepper


1. You need to boil the mango bean until they are soft.
2. In a sauce pan with hot oil put together the onion, garlic, tomato, ground chicken,
 mongo bean and ginisa mix. When they already cook, set aside.
4. In a medium bowl put flour, corn starch , water ,salt and pepper, then mix.
 When it done, combine the the batter to the cooked mango bean.
6. Then form a circle. ( you can use ice cream scoop ).
7. Fry it until toasted and golden brown.
8. For the sauce combine the vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper

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